Alongside cyano-modifications, amino-modifications are among the most frequently used polar silica gel phases. Aminophases can be operated in RP mode with aqueous-organic eluent mixtures as well as in NP mode, e.g. with hexane as mobile phase. Ion exchange chromatography of anions and organic acids with common buffers (e.g. acetate or phosphate) in combination with organic modifiers (e.g. acetonitrile) is also possible. Separation mechanism based on polar interactions, hydrophobic interactions and weak ion-exchange interactions. These HPLC columns are packed with polar aminopropyl modifications based on the original NUCLEOSIL silica gel. This is one of the first spherical silica gels for HPLC and was developed by MACHEREY-NAGEL in 1974. It is manufactured exclusively in Germany and is still one of the most frequently used HPLC silica gels in quality control worldwide.
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